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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Did you build these?

A: Yes.  Some of our models are from kits which provide pre-cut and raw materials to be assembled and finished; and some are scratch built.  Either way requires an investment of many hours.


Q: How much does one of these cost?

A: Like everything else in life, “it depends….”  Inexpensive ready-to-run boats may be found in stores for less than $50.  Large highly detailed scale models could easily exceed $1,000.  Scale model kits range in the $100’s.  Auxiliary equipment, such as batteries, motor control, and radio can add another $100 or more.


Q: How long did it take to build?

A: To some extent this is relative to size - anywhere from 50 to 500 hours.  But the process is never really done, since there are always improvements and enhancements, as well as maintenance.


Q: Where can I get a boat kit?

A: Many of our boat kits came from Dumas Products Inc. right here in Tucson.  A good source on-line is Tower Hobbies or Harbor Models.


Q: How far away can the boat go before losing control?

A: Essentially the signal will reach as far as you can see; almost anywhere on our small lake.  From a practical standpoint, we like to keep the boats close enough that we can see what they are doing.


Q: How long does the battery charge last?

A: Much depends on how hard and fast we are running the boat.  With the larger scale boats this is not a big concern, as they run at a relatively low speed and have room for a large capacity battery.  With smaller high speed boats we may get less than an hour of run time.


Q: What happens if you lose power out in the middle of the lake?

A: If we are alone, we just have to wait until the wind blows us up along shore somewhere (one of the advantages of being on a small enclosed lake).  If we are with another boater, we can often get a push to shore.


Q: What kind of batteries do you use?

A: Our larger boats use 12v lead gel-cells. These provide high amp-hour capacity at the expense of being heavier; but the larger boats benefit from the extra ballast provided.  Our smaller boats use 7.2v NiMH batteries because of their lighter weight.  Most modern high speed boats are now using high power density LiPo batteries.


Q: Does your sailboat have an auxiliary motor?

A: No.  If the wind doesn’t blow, the boat won’t go.


Q: Have you ever considered towing a fishing line?

A: No.

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